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Data Analyst

Data Structure and Algorithm in Python

Purchase for $49

Once students have mastered the basics of Python programming, they are ready to learn data processing & Analysis with Python. This is an excellent course for students planning to take AP Computer Science, develop software, want to become a Data Analyst, preparing for college, Information Technology (IT) Specialist Certification Exam or Python Institute Associate Certification (PCEP) Exam.



  • Object-Oriented Programming with Python or equivalent.

Learning Objectives

Following are the objective of this course:

  • Introduce recursive functions
  • Learn various algorithms to sort data in an array
  • Learn various algorithms to search data in an array


  • Data representation and algorithms
  • Lists
  • List interface
  • ArrayList class
  • Remove(object) from ArrayList
  • Contains() in ArrayList
  • For each 
  • Understanding Iteration
  • Understanding Recursion
  • Traversing data structures 
  • Insert data into a data structure 
  • Deleting data from a data structure 
  • Searching for data in a data structure
  • Using Sequential Search algorithm to search data
  • Using a Binary Search algorithm to search data
  • Using the Selection sort algorithm to sort data
  • Using the Insertion sort algorithm to sort data 
  • Using the Mergesort algorithm to sort data


  • List content of Array
  • Using Array List 
  • Using Stack
  • Using Queue
  • Recursive 
  • Recursive with loop
  • Using Recursive
  • Factorial
  • Sorting Array using Arrays.sort() 
  • Sorting the list of items in an Array
  • Sorting Data Using insertionSort
  • Sorting Data Using SelectionSort
  • Sorting Data Using MergeSort
  • Sorting Data Using QuickSort
  • Searching through an Array of String 
  • Searching through an Array of Numbers 
  • Binary Search


  • The course assumes that the learner is familiar with the Internet and Windows. The student should have a basic knowledge of Java Programming language and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts.
  • This course depends on the student's commitment to work in class and, if necessary, to work independently at his/her own time on a project assigned to them that will require access to the computer.

Learning Resources and Tools

The workload of each unit varies, and each unit consists of the following:

  • Lecture: The Lecture consists of notes that can be used by students as reference material.
  • Video: The Video consists of a presentation on the topics covered in the lecture note.
  • Hands-on Exercise: The hands-on exercises allow students to apply the concepts learned in each unit.
  • Quiz: The quiz allows the student to validate their learning further.

Required Text

Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithm for Teens by NR Computer Learning Center.

Technical Requirements

Access to a computer and the internet


Here is the course outline:

1. Data Processing, Data Structure and Algorithm

Introduction to Data Processing, Data Structure and Algorithm

2. List

Learn to add, edit and delete an item in a List.

3. Tuples

Learn to manage items in a tuple.

4. Sets

Learn to work with sets in Python

5. Dictionaries

Learn to work with key-value pairs in a Python dictionary.

6. Recursive

Learn to write recursive functions in Python

7. Queue & Stack

Learn to write queues and stack in Python to add, remove and edit items in the list.

8. Sort Algorithm

Learn to write various sort algorithms in Python to sort data.

9. Search Algorithm

Learn to write search algorithms in Python to find data.


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Certificate of Completion
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